Strategies in Trauma and Limb Reconstruction

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2017 | April | Volume 12 | Issue 1

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Original Article

Yatinder Kharbanda, Yashwant Singh Tanwar, Vishal Srivastava, Vikas Birla, Ashok Rajput, Ramsagar Pandit

Retrospective analysis of extra-articular distal humerus shaft fractures treated with the use of pre-contoured lateral column metaphyseal LCP by triceps-sparing posterolateral approach

[Year:2017] [Month:April] [Volume:12] [Number:1] [Pages:9] [Pages No:1 - 9]

Keywords: Distal humerus fracture, Extra-articular distal humerus LCP, Posterolateral approach humerus

   DOI: 10.1007/s11751-016-0270-6  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Management of extra-articular distal humerus fractures presents a challenge to the treating surgeon due to the complex anatomy of the distal part of the humerus and complicated fracture morphology. Although surgical treatment has shown to provide a more stable reduction and alignment and predictable return to function, it has been associated with complications like iatrogenic radial nerve palsy, infection, non-union and Implant failure. We in the present series retrospectively analysed 20 patients with extra-articular distal humerus shaft fractures surgically treated using the extra-articular distal humeral locking plate approached by the triceps-sparing posterolateral approach. The outcome was assessed using the DASH score, range of motion at the elbow and the time to union. The mean time to radiographic fracture union was 12 weeks.


Original Article

B. M. Naveen, G. R. Joshi, B. Harikrishnan

Management of mid-shaft clavicular fractures: comparison between non-operative treatment and plate fixation in 60 patients

[Year:2017] [Month:April] [Volume:12] [Number:1] [Pages:8] [Pages No:11 - 18]

Keywords: Clavicle, Fracture, Mid-shaft, Plating

   DOI: 10.1007/s11751-016-0272-4  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Clavicle fracture is a common injury due to its subcutaneous and relatively anterior position. Fractures affecting the middle third account for majority of all clavicular fractures. Both non-operative and surgical methods have been described for the management of this injury. However, there is no uniform consensus on the definite choice of treatment. Hence, this study was undertaken to compare conservative approach with primary internal plate fixation in mid-shaft clavicular fractures in terms of subjective outcome, functional outcome, the rates of nonunion and malunion and other local complications. Patients were allocated into two groups, each including 30 patients on alternate basis. Group 1 patients were managed conservatively, consisting of a figure-of-eight bandage and a sling, whereas patients of group 2 were treated surgically by plate fixation. Follow-up examination was done at 06 weeks, 03 and 06 months using patient's subjective evaluation, functional outcome, radiographic assessment and other complications. The study showed that time to union was significantly shorter in patients treated surgically and this group also showed a favorable Constant shoulder score at all follow-ups. Though there was no statistically significant difference between the groups with regard to complication rate, subjective outcome or functional outcome, the surgical intervention group fared better especially when considering overall outcome results. The present study showed that the time to union was lesser, rate of malunion and nonunion was lower, and Constant shoulder scores were higher in the surgical group. This affirms that while conservative treatment remains the treatment of choice for simple undisplaced mid-shaft clavicle fractures, for displaced and comminuted fractures the surgical intervention gives better outcomes and early functional recovery in young active adults.


Original Article

Birgitta Svernlöv, Jens Nestorson, Lars Adolfsson

Subjective ulnar nerve dysfunction commonly following open reduction, internal fixation (ORIF) of distal humeral fractures and in situ decompression of the ulnar nerve

[Year:2017] [Month:April] [Volume:12] [Number:1] [Pages:7] [Pages No:19 - 25]

Keywords: Fracture, ORIF, Transposition, Humeral, Dellon, McGowan

   DOI: 10.1007/s11751-016-0271-5  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


The aim of this retrospective study was to investigate the frequency of persistent ulnar affection in patients who underwent open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) of distal humeral fractures without ulnar nerve transposition or mobilisation. Eighty-two patients (53 women), mean age 62 years, were, at a mean of 48 months, reviewed through medical records and a subjective evaluation form concerning ulnar nerve problems. Ulnar nerve affliction, in most cases regarded as mild, was experienced by 22 patients (27%; 14 women) and significantly associated with multiple surgeries. Three patients had been operated with late neurolysis and one with transposition without reported improvement. The proportion of ulnar nerve dysfunction was equally common regardless of medial or lateral plating. ORIF with plate fixation and without ulnar nerve transposition seems to be an acceptable option for patients with distal humeral fractures. The frequency of ulnar nerve affection in our series does not appear higher than previously reported. Subjective ulnar nerve symptoms were, however, relatively common and appear related to the trauma itself, the surgery, or the post-operative management which highlights the need for further analysis of these factors.


Original Article

P. M. Stevens, Lucas Anderson, Bruce A. MacWilliams

Femoral shaft osteotomy for obligate outward rotation due to SCFE

[Year:2017] [Month:April] [Volume:12] [Number:1] [Pages:7] [Pages No:27 - 33]

Keywords: Slipped capital femoral epiphysis, SCFE, Femoral retroversion, FAI, Femoroacetabular impingement, Femoral osteotomy

   DOI: 10.1007/s11751-017-0276-8  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) is an adolescent disease that leads to retroversion of the femoral neck and shaft, relative to the head. Observing that patients with SCFE must walk with an outward foot progression angle and externally rotate the leg in order to flex the hip, we have been performing a femoral shaft rotational osteotomy wherein we rotate the lower femur 45° inward, relative to the upper femur. By correcting retroversion, our goal is to improve functional hip and knee motion, thereby mitigating the effects of SCFE impingement. This is a retrospective review of five hips in four patients (two boys and two girls), average age 14.7 years (range 11 + 7–18 years) who underwent femoral midshaft rotational osteotomy for correction of acquired retroversion of the femur secondary to severe SCFE. We compared clinical findings at the outset to those at an average follow-up of 46 months (range 24–74 months). Pre- and post-gait analysis was performed in three patients. Two of the patients underwent elective arthroscopic osteochondroplasty to alleviate residual FAI: contralateral arthroscopy is pending in one. The first patient in this series received a hip arthroplasty, 62 months after his osteotomy, at age 23. Following midshaft osteotomy, all patients experienced improvement in comfort, gait and activities of daily living. With the patella neutral, they had improved range of hip flexion from an average preoperative flexion of <25° to a postoperative flexion of >90°. Two patients (both male) had delayed union and some loss of correction, secondary to broken interlocking screws; each healed with reamed, exchange nailing. The interlocking screws have since been redesigned and enlarged. Femoral shaft rotational osteotomy restores the functional range of hip motion, while correcting obligate out-toeing and improving knee kinematics. This procedure is technically straightforward, permitting progressive weight bearing, while avoiding the risk of AVN. Osteochondroplasty for residual FAI can be deferred, pending the outcome. Level of evidence III: retrospective series—no controls.


Original Article

Rasmus Elsoe, Søren Kold, Peter Larsen, Juozas Petruskevicius

A prospective observational study of 56 patients treated with ring fixator after a complex tibial fracture

[Year:2017] [Month:April] [Volume:12] [Number:1] [Pages:10] [Pages No:35 - 44]

Keywords: Ilizarov, Ring fixator, Complex fracture tibial bone, Plateau fracture, Pilon fracture, Short-term outcome

   DOI: 10.1007/s11751-017-0275-9  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


The objective of this prospective study was to evaluate the patient-reported outcomes for patients with complex tibial fractures treated with a ring fixator. The secondary aim was to analyse the variables affecting patient-reported outcomes and time to union. Fifty-six patients participated in the study. The mean age at the time of fracture was 56.5 years (range 30–86). All fractures united during the study period. The ring fixator was removed at an average of 25.3 weeks (range 9–53). During treatment, the function and QOL increased with time. Compared with an established reference population, the study population showed a significantly worse EQ5D-5L index both throughout the treatment period and 8 weeks after frame removal. 18% of patients reported mild to severe depression 8 weeks after frame removal.


Original Article

Srikanth Mudiganty, Arup Kumar Daolagupu, Arun Kumar Sipani, Satyendra Kumar Das, Arijit Dhar, Parag Jyoti Gogoi

Treatment of infected non-unions with segmental defects with a rail fixation system

[Year:2017] [Month:April] [Volume:12] [Number:1] [Pages:7] [Pages No:45 - 51]

Keywords: Non-union, Femur, Tibia, Corticotomy, Bone transport, Rail fixation

   DOI: 10.1007/s11751-017-0278-6  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


We conducted this study to evaluate the use of rail fixation system in infected gap non-union of femur and tibia as an alternative to the established Ilizarov circular fixator technique. Prospective study. The study was done in the Department of Orthopaedic surgery in a medical school and level I trauma center to which the authors are/were affiliated. Between June 2010 and June 2015, 40 patients with infected gap non-union of femur and tibia were treated with the rail fixation system. Patients who were willing to undergo surgery and participate in the post-operative rehabilitation were included in the study. After radical debridement, the system was applied and corticotomy done. For closure of bone gap, acute docking and distraction was done in 18 cases and segmental bone transport in 22 cases. Early mobilization of patient was done along with aggressive physiotherapy. Bone and functional results were calculated according to ASAMI scoring system, and complications were classified according to Paley classification. The mean follow-up period was 22.56 months (range 8–44). Bone union with eradication of infection was achieved in all but 1 case (97.5%). Bone results were excellent in 57.5%, good 40%, fair 0% and poor in 2.5% cases, while functional result was excellent in 32.5%, good 65%, fair 0% and poor in 2.5% cases. The rail fixation system is an excellent alternative method to treat infected gap non-union of femur and tibia. It is simple, easy to use and patient-friendly.



Federico Persico, Gabriel Fletscher, Mauricio Zuluaga

Submuscular plating of the femur through an anterior approach after bone distraction

[Year:2017] [Month:April] [Volume:12] [Number:1] [Pages:6] [Pages No:53 - 58]

Keywords: Conversion, Bone distraction, Anterior approach, MIPO technique

   DOI: 10.1007/s11751-016-0274-2  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


The method of osteogenesis by distraction is a known technique in orthopaedics for the management of bone defects secondary to trauma, infections or tumours. New strategies have been developed for decreasing the external fixator time. The use of the minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis technique is a secure approach through a percutaneous fixation technique in the anterior aspect of the femur that permits minimal dissection of the soft tissues while preventing cross-contamination with the pin tracts of the external fixators. The goal of this article is to show that a new surgical technique, to preserve the benefits related to the internal fixation and at the same time decrease the risk of infection, can be used to perform femoral plating after bone distraction with a low contact plate through an anterior approach to the femur while still taking adequate care of the soft tissues.



Mehraj D. Tantray, Khurshid Kangoo, Asif Nazir, Muzamil Baba, Raja Rameez, Syed Tabish, Syed Shahnawaz

An old mismanaged Lisfranc injury treated by gradual deformity correction followed by the second-stage internal fixation

[Year:2017] [Month:April] [Volume:12] [Number:1] [Pages:4] [Pages No:59 - 62]

Keywords: Lisfranc injury, Ilizarov, Late diagnosis

   DOI: 10.1007/s11751-016-0273-3  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


The Lisfranc fracture-dislocation of the foot is uncommon and diagnosis is often missed. The Lisfranc joint involves the articulation between medial cuneiform and base of the second metatarsal and is considered a keystone to structural integrity to the midfoot. The articulation has a stabilization effect on longitudinal and transverse arches of the foot. A neglected or untreated injury to the Lisfranc joint can lead to secondary arthritis and significant morbidity and disability. We present a case of a neglected Lisfranc fracture-dislocation in a 28-year-old female patient who presented 3 months after injury. A staged treatment of distraction with an Ilizarov ring fixator followed in the second stage by the removal of ring fixator and internal fixation with K wires was performed. There was complete relief of pain and a good functional outcome at 3 months after treatment.


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