Strategies in Trauma and Limb Reconstruction

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VOLUME 19 , ISSUE 2 ( May-August, 2024 ) > List of Articles


Massive Tibial Defect Treated with Plate-assisted Bone Segment Transport and A Novel Internal Cable–Pulley System

Derek Lance, Brice Morpeth, Hayden Faith, Joshua Nougaisse, Jana M Davis, James A Blair

Keywords : Bone transport, Cable transport, Case report, Limb salvage, Magnetic lengthening nail, Plate-assisted bone segment transport

Citation Information : Lance D, Morpeth B, Faith H, Nougaisse J, Davis JM, Blair JA. Massive Tibial Defect Treated with Plate-assisted Bone Segment Transport and A Novel Internal Cable–Pulley System. 2024; 19 (2):118-124.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10080-1622

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 14-08-2024

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2024; The Author(s).


Aim: The treatment of massive diaphyseal tibial bone defects remains challenging with poor results seen from treatment modalities other than bone transport (BT). Current methods of BT require lengthy periods in a circular external fixator. Despite recent modifications in BT techniques via circular external fixator such as multifocal transport and immediate intramedullary nailing after docking, circular external fixation remains poorly tolerated with a high complication profile. Newer technologies such as magnetic lengthening nails have shown promise to provide alternatives to BT without resorting to long-term circular external fixation. Plate-assisted bone segment transport (PABST) has demonstrated success as an all-internal BT technique. Prior case reports have shown a modest ability to treat massive defects with varying success. Technique: A novel all-internal cable and pulley augmentation to a PABST technique for a massive (185 mm) tibial defect was utilised during a retrograde transport. The authors describe a patient scenario in which this augment allowed continued transport that could not be treated with an additional Precice nail recharge. Conclusion: Augmentation of PABST with a cable and pulley construct can successfully treat massive diaphyseal defects. Clinical significance: This cable and pulley modification to PABST allows for the treatment of massive tibial defects without the need for magnetic lengthening nail exchange or conversion to external fixation.

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