Strategies in Trauma and Limb Reconstruction

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VOLUME 18 , ISSUE 1 ( January-April, 2023 ) > List of Articles

Original Article

Amputation vs Reconstruction in Type IV Tibial Hemimelia: Functional Outcomes and Description of a Novel Surgical Technique

Chun Hong Tang, Abdullah Addar, James A Fernandes

Keywords : Amputation, Deformity correction, Limb reconstruction, Skeletal dysplasia, Tibial hemimelia

Citation Information : Tang CH, Addar A, Fernandes JA. Amputation vs Reconstruction in Type IV Tibial Hemimelia: Functional Outcomes and Description of a Novel Surgical Technique. 2023; 18 (1):32-36.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10080-1576

License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Published Online: 31-05-2023

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2023; The Author(s).


Introduction: The management of tibial hemimelia can be complex and involve either amputation or reconstruction. The decision made carries significant implications on patients and their families. This is a case series in the management of Type IV tibial hemimelia with a description of a novel surgical technique in the reconstructive arm of the pathway. Materials and methods: The study included four patients with bilateral tibial hemimelia have an amputation in one limb and reconstructive surgery on the other. The reconstruction involved a supratalar double osteotomy of the tibia and fibula, followed by a staged hindfoot osteotomy using a circular ring fixator. Functional outcomes are reported using the Special Interest Group in Amputee Medicine (SIGAM) and the short form 12 (SF-12) methods. Results: The mean age of patients in our cohort is 14 years (3–27 years) with mean age of surgery at 3 years. One case had an amputation following initial reconstructive surgery due to psychological distress and regressive behaviour. SIGAM functional outcome scores of F were recorded in three of four cases, with one patient performing at level B. On the reconstructive side, two of three patients reported a mean physical short form 12 (SF-12) score of 56.7 and a mental SF-12 score of 55.7. One patient reported a physical SF-12 score of 28.5 and a mental SF-12 score of 30.3. Discussion and conclusion: A reconstructive option provides a satisfactory functional outcome, comparable to the population mean, in the majority of patients in our cohort. Clinical significance: A staged supratalar double osteotomy followed later by a hindfoot osteotomy is effective in centralising the ankle and creates a plantigrade weight-bearing platform for ambulation in patients with Type IV tibial hemimelia.

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