Aseptic non-unions of tibial shaft fractures often need surgical treatment which carry significant socio-economic implications. The causes for non-union include patient co-morbidities, high energy trauma, open fractures and fracture geometry. Oblique fractures are subject to shear forces and, if not adequately neutralised, will fail to unite. Experiments have shown that callus formation is poor in oblique fractures due to local shear stresses. We report a technique of minimally invasive transfocal transverse osteotomy and compression in a hexapod circular fixator, Taylor Spatial Frame (TSF) for 12 patients treated with a shear non-union of tibia between 2010 and 2019. There are four female and eight male patients. The average age is 49 years (range from 26 to 72 years). The fracture pattern was oblique (30–45°) in all cases. Healing of the non-union occurred in 12 cases with one case needed additional treatment with bone marrow aspirate and demineralized bone matrix. The technique of creating a minimally invasive transfocal transverse osteotomy through the oblique non-union of tibia and the use of a hexapod circular fixator to compress the osteotomy is described and adds to the range of treatments available for aseptic non-union of tibia.
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