Citation Information :
de Muinck Keizer RJ, Lechner KM, Mulders MA, Schep NW, Eygendaal D, Goslings JC. Three-dimensional virtual planning of corrective osteotomies of distal radius malunions: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 2017; 12 (2):77-89.
The purpose of this study was to summarize and evaluate results of three-dimensional (3D-) planned corrective osteotomies of malunited distal radius fractures. 3D-planning techniques provide the possibility to address 3D-deformity that conventional planning methods might not address. We systematically searched PubMed, EMBASE and the Cochrane library for studies that performed a 3D-planned corrective osteotomy on patients with a malunited distal radius fracture. Fifteen studies with a total of 68 patients were included in the analysis. In 96% of cases, the preoperatively present palmar tilt, radial inclination and ulnar variance showed statistically significant improvement postoperatively with restoration to within 5° or 2 mm of their normal values. Mean flexion–extension, pro-supination and grip strength showed statistically significant improvement (p < 0.05). Complications were reported in 11 out of 68 patients (16%). With the current advances in 3D printing technology, 3D-planned corrective osteotomies seem a promising technique in the treatment of complex distal radius malunions.
Level of evidence IV Systematic review of case series, Level IV.
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