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VOLUME 11 , ISSUE 3 ( November, 2016 ) > List of Articles

Original Article

Distal femoral valgus osteotomy: bone healing time in single plane and biplanar technique

J. A. D. van der Woude, S. Spruijt, B. T. J. van Ginneken, R. J. van Heerwaarden

Keywords : Distal femoral osteotomy, Valgus producing, Closed-wedge, Limb alignment, Biplanar, Uniplanar

Citation Information : van der Woude JA, Spruijt S, van Ginneken BT, van Heerwaarden RJ. Distal femoral valgus osteotomy: bone healing time in single plane and biplanar technique. 2016; 11 (3):177-186.

DOI: 10.1007/s11751-016-0266-2

License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Published Online: 01-12-2014

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2016; The Author(s).


Varus deformity can be localized in the tibia, in the femur or in both. If varus deformity is localized within the femur, it is mandatory to correct it in the femur. This report presents the technique and results of a consecutive case series of lateral uniplanar and biplanar closed-wedge valgus osteotomy of the distal femur for the treatment of varus deformity of the knee. Retrospectively, fifteen patients (sixteen knees) were identified. Indications for surgery varied from unloading an osteoarthritic medial compartment to reduction to symmetrical varus leg alignment. Pre- and post-operative X-rays, including a full leg radiograph, were assessed as well as bone healing time at follow-up intervals. Clinical outcome was assessed using different questionnaires. There were nine male and six female patients with a median age at surgery of 45 (±14) years. The mLDFA changed from 95.9° (±2.7°) preoperatively to 89.3° (±2.9°) post-operatively. Preoperative planning and the use of angle stable implants resulted in accurate corrections according to preoperative aims in all but one patient. At follow-up (mean, 40 months), the mean VAS score was 2.5 (±2.4) and the WOMAC score averaged 80 (±20). The mean bone healing time of biplanar osteotomies (4 ± 3 months) was shorter than in the uniplanar osteotomies (6 ± 3 months). Distal lateral closed-wedge valgus osteotomy of the femur for the treatment of femoral varus deformities resulted in clinical improvement and accurate corrections in patients with different aims for correction. A biplanar osteotomy technique shortens bone healing time.

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